We had a fantastic time in Vic Falls – Bayete is such a wonderful place to stay… we really loved it! FastJet flights were also brilliant… they are really making travel within Africa affordable. Thanks again for your help in finding a place to stay.
>Victoria Falls, November 2015<
S. Davis, USA
Perfect organization = Perfect holiday!! We went on a Trip with some close friends. It was our first Africa-Experience and it surely wouldn’t be the last. The program was tough because we wanted to see a lot. The locations and the tours were perfectly organized. It was the perfect trip and we cannot wait to see more of this beautiful country. So….Monika and Miriam, Thank you very much!!
>Kalahari Desert – Okavango Delta – Victoria Falls, October 2015<
A. Jakitsch, Germany
Guests having Dinner with The Safari Source, Travel Agent, Zimbabwe, Bulawayo.
Ich möchte mich nochmal für die wunderbare Vorbereitung und Organisation unserer Reise bedanken. Es war unglaublich beeindruckend. Wir haben uns sehr wohl und gut aufgehoben gefühlt.
Ganz besonders möchte ich mich bedanken, dass wir die letzte Nacht bei euch schlafen durften. Auch das war ein tolles Angebot. Zumal uns Miriam aus Dornbirn die Tür aufgemacht hat. Wir sind regelmäßig im Großen Walsertal in Vorarlberg, da war es lustig den bekannten Dialekt zu hören.
Ich habe gerade einen kleinen Reisebericht abgeschickt, allerdings auf Deutsch, denn auf Englisch wäre ich total überfordert.
>Matusadona – Great Zimbabwe – Matopos – Victoria Falls – Hwange – Bulawayo, September 2015<
M. Engelmann, Germany
Monika was extremely helpful in preparing our trip in Zim. Her recommendations were perfect! The selected lodges were fine, especially Miombo Lodge with its animated water pool, full of elephants & buffalos. Thanks Monika also for the reservation of the Isuzu Big Horn 4WD at a reasonable price. The whole trip worked out as planned. The Safari Source is a reliable company.
>Masvingo – Matopos – Hwange, September 2015<
F. Wiehler, Germany
Guests Pasch enjoying Indian Food with The Safari Source in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Vielen Dank für die überaus große Gastfreundschaft im “Little Paradise”. Wir fühlten uns in Bulawayo anfangs sehr gestrandet, doch durch euch wurde die Zeit in dieser Stadt zu einem Highlight.
Wir bedanken uns für die tolle Organisation und Ermöglichung unserer Reisewünsche rund um Bulawayo – vielen Dank Monika, du bist die Beste!
Wir wünschen euch und The Safari Source alle Gute für die Zukunft! Und hoffen, dass man sich im Leben immer mindestens zweimal trifft. :)
>Bulawayo – Matopos – Khami Ruins, September 2015<
E. Pasch, Germany
We have had the most amazing time not only seeing some incredible animals but to meeting the nicest people! Thank you so much for looking after us all so well. I am really going to miss Somalisa! Seeing the lion pride was especially memorable, hopefully next time we might see some leopards. Thank you so much.
>Bulawayo – Matopos – Hwange – Victoria Falls, August 2015<
Murtagh Family, UK
Murtagh Family on Safari with Somalisa Guide Mike, Hwange, Zimbabwe, Image by Mike.
Wir hatte eine wirklich tolle und erlebnisreiche Reise – schade dass wir das Land nicht schon viel früher ‘entdeckt’ haben.
Land und Leute haben uns sehr gut gefallen – jeder Tag war anders als der Letzte – landschaftlich jeden Tag etwas Neues. Auch die Hotels waren alle gut gewählt – nichts zu ‘meckern’! Die Buschwanderungen mit den Guides waren schon etwas Besonderes. Das Auto war auch sehr gut in Ordnung – obwohl mein Mann ja Bedenken wegen des Alters hatte – aber außer unser Erlebnis mit der verlorenen Nummerntafel – lief alles wie am Schnürchen.
Vielen Dank nochmals für die gute Organisation!
>Eastern Highlands – Masvingo – Matopos – Hwange – Victoria Falls, August 2015<
A. Weger, Austria
Breakfast with a View, Watching Hippos at a Waterhole in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe, Foto by De Greef.
The best in the business!
Friends in Harare recommended that we used The Safari Source for planning our two week trip around Zimbabwe. Monika really understood what we wanted from this holiday and developed a fantastic programme that perfectly matched our needs, our budget and our timescale. She had infinite patience in dealing with the National Parks authorities and found some great deals for us with the private camps.
Monika was even there for us with practical help whilst we were in the country. She went well beyond what could be expected. I have never met an operator who provided such good service after having received their money. I would recommend the Safari Source and will definitely be using them to book our next big trip. Monika was described as being “very good” by our friends, but I would say that she is the best in the business.
>Victoria Falls – Hwange – Gweru – Harare – Mana Pools, July 2015<
R. De Greef, UK
To summarise, we had the most fantastic time.
The wildlife in Hwange was amazing, we think we even may have seen a lioness who Cecil may have made pregnant before he was killed, going through a mating ritual trying to persuade another lion to mate and thereby be the “father” of her future cubs. We also saw 2 amazing times at the water hole. All the areas were brilliant in their own way, the staff were all superb, accommodation excellent and nicely varied. And we met some very nice/interesting fellow guests and other people along the way. The country is amazing and needless to say the people deserve better. Too much to tell, but if you are ever in London we’d be delighted to meet you and pass along our personal compliments. At some point in the future (about 3 years all being well) we would love to visit other African countries (e.g. Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique), so may get in touch then!
>Victoria Falls – Hwange – Matusadona – Mana Pools, July 2015<
P. King, UK
Dinner at The Victoria Falls Hotel, Zimbabwe, Guest Picture by King.
Rhino Sighting during a Walking Safari in the Matopos National Park, Zimbabwe, by Stelzer.
Danke vielmals für die Fürsorge.
Die Zeit in Simbabwe ist wahnsinnig schnell vergangen, der Urlaub war klasse!
Die Walking Safari in den Matobo Nationalpark hat sich echt gelohnt und war ein Höhepunkt unserer Reise. Norman weiß auch sehr viel über Flora und Fauna und versteht es ausgezeichnet, interessant zu erzählen und erklären. Eine Walking Safari ist immer etwa ganz Besonderes, da erst merkt man, wie friedlich diese Tiere im Normalfall sind – ein absolut überwältigendes und atemberaubendes Erlebnis, das mir immer im Gedächtnis bleiben wird.
>Zimbabwe – Botswana – Zambia, July 2015<
A. Stelzer, Germany
We will highly recommend Safari Source and you to anyone who desires a safari in your part of the world.
Accommodations could not have been better. Food was outstanding it was like eating at 4-5 star restaurant at every meal. Guides: We were so amazed at the level of competence, experience and general background and education of each guide. They were GREAT! We enjoyed our time immensely. Victoria Falls was the fulfilment of a lifelong desire to see the Falls, the helicopter ride was wonderful and the gorge restaurant were great.
Thanks for all that you did in putting this all together. You are obviously greatly skilled in your position and enjoy what you do. The pleasure has been all ours in our working relationship with you personally and Safari Source the company you represent as well.
>Victoria Falls – Hwange – Mana Pools, May 2015<
P. Foltz, USA
Christians Eltern haben den Trip sehr genossen und es hat wohl auch alles reibungslos geklappt, insbesondere die Transfers und die Abholung beim zugebuchten Daytrip etc. Von der Unterkunft waren sie auch sehr angetan und speziell natürlich von der Aussicht von der Safari Lodge!
Einziger Wehrmutstropfen war somit das Essen beim Chobe-Daytrip, das wohl leider nicht so gut war (weiß nicht genau, wo es da den Lunch gab) und leider hatten sie auch beim Sunset-Cruise (über die Lodge gebucht) wieder Pech mit dem Essen.
Aber wie gesagt, sonst war alles top und speziell die Sachen, um die ihr euch gekümmert hatten, haben super geklappt. Dafür nochmal ein dickes Dankeschön!
>Victoria Falls – Hwange – Matopos, April 2015<
L. Koscher, Germany